This is a step-by-step on how to perform a Fresh Install of Windows 98. What you are going to need for this:
1) Windows 98 CD
2) Windows 98 Product ID/Key
3) About 1-2 Hours
The screen shots on this page are taken from a Windows 98SE OEM install using only the CD, on a unpartition Hard Drive. If you all ready have Windows 98 installed, you can skip to (Step 07) and continue on or skip to (Step 13), to delete the partition and start at (Step 01). If you cant find your Windows 98 Product Key then skip to (Step 14) before doing any of this.
Installing Windows
(Step 01)
You need to make sure that you have the BIOS/Startup, so that the CDROM drives boots before the Hard Drive. To do this, you need to enter the BIOS/Startup by pressing: ESC, F1, F2, or DEL. Usually during POST (boot up) there should be something on the bottom stating on how to enter the BIOS/Startup. Press the button that it says to press or try one of the above until you enter BIOS/Startup Menu. Now using the arrow keys, there should be a tab that says, Startup/Boot Order. Under that should be a list with a list of options, make the 1st Boot - Floppy/3.5 Floppy, 2nd Boot - CDROM, 3rd Boot - Hard Drive, 4th Boot - Other. Place the CD in the CDROM Drive, save and exit the BIOS settings.
(Step 02)

After exiting the BIOS the computer will restart. You will get the above screen after the computer finishes POST. Select Boot from CD.
(Step 03)

After selecting Boot from CD the above screen will come up. Select Start computer without CD-ROM support.
(Step 04)

When if finishes loading, you will see the above screen with A:\. Type fdisk and then press enter. This is how the screen should look:
(Step 05)

You will come to the screen above. Press Enter.

After that you will come to this screen, press 1 then Enter.

You will then come to this screen, press 1 then Enter.

Now the program will check the Hard Drive, and then will make the partition. Press Y then Enter.

After that is done you will come to this screen, press ESC. You will then come back to the black screen with A:\. Press Ctrl+Alt+Del. This will restart the computer.
(Step 06)
You will then come back to the Boot Select Screen. Select Boot from CD-ROM.
(Step 07)

Select Start computer with CD-ROM support. The computer will now have CDROM support; you will come to the black screen with the A:\. Now type D:\WIN98\format C:
This is how the screen will look:
A:\D:\WIN98\format C:
You will be asked if you want to proceed with the format. Press Y, and then Enter. Depending on the size of the Hard Drive, this may take a while. After it is done formatting, press Enter (Do not enter a label).
(Step 08)

Now it is time to start the install of Windows 98. After pressing Enter, you should be at the A:\. Now type D:\WIN98\setup. This is how the screen should look:
Before the install can start the Windows 98 setup need to check the Hard Drive. Press Enter, this also takes long time depending on the size of the Hard Drive.
(Step 09)

After scandisk has finish, and the files have been copied, you will come to this screen. Click Continue.

Select C:\Windows, and then click Next.

Select Typical, and then click Next.

Select Install the most common components, then click Next.

This here is optional; change the values for Computer Name, Workgroup.
Computer Name: MyComputer
Workgroup: Home
After you have made the changes, click Next.

Select your location, click Next.

Click Next, you can choose to make a Windows 98 Startup Disk, if so then insert a floppy then click OK, if not the click Cancel.

After the Startup Disk is completed, if you choose to make it, click Next to start copying Windows 98 files.

After the files have finished copying, remove the Windows 98 Startup Disk, and click OK to restart the computer.
(Step 10)

You will come to the Boot Select Screen, select Boot from Hard Drive.

The next screen you will see will be the Windows 98 Splash Screen.

Enter the User Information, and then click Next.

Read and agree to the EULA, then click Next.

Enter the Windows 98 Product ID/Key, and then click Next.

Click Finish.
(Step 11)
The computer will restart, select Boot from Hard Drive. The Windows 98 Splash Screen will come up. Windows is now finishing the last minute settings.

During those last minute settings, you will need to set the clock. Once done, click Apply then OK

The Windows Install is also most complete, and after it finishes the computer will restart.
(Step 12)
For the last time the Boot Select Menu will come up, select Boot from Hard Drive. The Windows 98 Splash Screen will appear; after it goes away Windows will install any drivers need.

Congratulations, you have installed Windows 98.
Deleteing Partitions
(Step 13)
To delete a partition, when at the A:\ type fdisk. This is how it should look:
When in the fdisk program press Enter. Press 3, if there are any Logical they have to be deleted before the Extended. Before the Logical partition can be deleted the Extended partition has to be deleted. When all of the partitions have been deleted then exit the fdisk program and restart the computer by pressing Ctrl+Alt+Del. To finish the install of Windows 98 goto (Step 02), read the last sentence.
Recovering Windows Product Key
(Step 14)
To recover the Windows Product Key:
Start -> Run -> type regedit
This will open the Registry Editor. From there navigate to:
Click on the CurrentVersion folder, and on the right pane there will be a key that says ProductKey. There will be a 25 digit key(both numbers and letters), copy it down. If you still cant find it, then:
Edit -> Find
Type ProductKey in the find box and click Find Next.
1) Windows 98 CD
2) Windows 98 Product ID/Key
3) About 1-2 Hours
The screen shots on this page are taken from a Windows 98SE OEM install using only the CD, on a unpartition Hard Drive. If you all ready have Windows 98 installed, you can skip to (Step 07) and continue on or skip to (Step 13), to delete the partition and start at (Step 01). If you cant find your Windows 98 Product Key then skip to (Step 14) before doing any of this.
Installing Windows
(Step 01)
You need to make sure that you have the BIOS/Startup, so that the CDROM drives boots before the Hard Drive. To do this, you need to enter the BIOS/Startup by pressing: ESC, F1, F2, or DEL. Usually during POST (boot up) there should be something on the bottom stating on how to enter the BIOS/Startup. Press the button that it says to press or try one of the above until you enter BIOS/Startup Menu. Now using the arrow keys, there should be a tab that says, Startup/Boot Order. Under that should be a list with a list of options, make the 1st Boot - Floppy/3.5 Floppy, 2nd Boot - CDROM, 3rd Boot - Hard Drive, 4th Boot - Other. Place the CD in the CDROM Drive, save and exit the BIOS settings.
(Step 02)
After exiting the BIOS the computer will restart. You will get the above screen after the computer finishes POST. Select Boot from CD.
(Step 03)
After selecting Boot from CD the above screen will come up. Select Start computer without CD-ROM support.
(Step 04)
When if finishes loading, you will see the above screen with A:\. Type fdisk and then press enter. This is how the screen should look:
(Step 05)
You will come to the screen above. Press Enter.
After that you will come to this screen, press 1 then Enter.
You will then come to this screen, press 1 then Enter.
Now the program will check the Hard Drive, and then will make the partition. Press Y then Enter.
After that is done you will come to this screen, press ESC. You will then come back to the black screen with A:\. Press Ctrl+Alt+Del. This will restart the computer.
(Step 06)
You will then come back to the Boot Select Screen. Select Boot from CD-ROM.
(Step 07)
Select Start computer with CD-ROM support. The computer will now have CDROM support; you will come to the black screen with the A:\. Now type D:\WIN98\format C:
This is how the screen will look:
A:\D:\WIN98\format C:
You will be asked if you want to proceed with the format. Press Y, and then Enter. Depending on the size of the Hard Drive, this may take a while. After it is done formatting, press Enter (Do not enter a label).
(Step 08)
Now it is time to start the install of Windows 98. After pressing Enter, you should be at the A:\. Now type D:\WIN98\setup. This is how the screen should look:
Before the install can start the Windows 98 setup need to check the Hard Drive. Press Enter, this also takes long time depending on the size of the Hard Drive.
(Step 09)
After scandisk has finish, and the files have been copied, you will come to this screen. Click Continue.
Select C:\Windows, and then click Next.
Select Typical, and then click Next.
Select Install the most common components, then click Next.
This here is optional; change the values for Computer Name, Workgroup.
Computer Name: MyComputer
Workgroup: Home
After you have made the changes, click Next.
Select your location, click Next.
Click Next, you can choose to make a Windows 98 Startup Disk, if so then insert a floppy then click OK, if not the click Cancel.
After the Startup Disk is completed, if you choose to make it, click Next to start copying Windows 98 files.
After the files have finished copying, remove the Windows 98 Startup Disk, and click OK to restart the computer.
(Step 10)
You will come to the Boot Select Screen, select Boot from Hard Drive.
The next screen you will see will be the Windows 98 Splash Screen.
Enter the User Information, and then click Next.
Read and agree to the EULA, then click Next.
Enter the Windows 98 Product ID/Key, and then click Next.
Click Finish.
(Step 11)
The computer will restart, select Boot from Hard Drive. The Windows 98 Splash Screen will come up. Windows is now finishing the last minute settings.
During those last minute settings, you will need to set the clock. Once done, click Apply then OK
The Windows Install is also most complete, and after it finishes the computer will restart.
(Step 12)
For the last time the Boot Select Menu will come up, select Boot from Hard Drive. The Windows 98 Splash Screen will appear; after it goes away Windows will install any drivers need.
Congratulations, you have installed Windows 98.
Deleteing Partitions
(Step 13)
To delete a partition, when at the A:\ type fdisk. This is how it should look:
When in the fdisk program press Enter. Press 3, if there are any Logical they have to be deleted before the Extended. Before the Logical partition can be deleted the Extended partition has to be deleted. When all of the partitions have been deleted then exit the fdisk program and restart the computer by pressing Ctrl+Alt+Del. To finish the install of Windows 98 goto (Step 02), read the last sentence.
Recovering Windows Product Key
(Step 14)
To recover the Windows Product Key:
Start -> Run -> type regedit
This will open the Registry Editor. From there navigate to:
Click on the CurrentVersion folder, and on the right pane there will be a key that says ProductKey. There will be a 25 digit key(both numbers and letters), copy it down. If you still cant find it, then:
Edit -> Find
Type ProductKey in the find box and click Find Next.
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